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We've teamed up with David Radney to bring you the most motivated sellers in your area at the best price so you can get more listings.

Your Pro Subscription includes Expired Pro, FSBOs, Neighborhood Search, and Pre-Foreclosures for only $30 for your first month. Then pay the discounted rate of $147/month (regularly $177/month). You save an additional $30 every month.

$30 for 30 Days

Expired Pro

Delivered Daily. Receive up to 95% of phone numbers, including mobile numbers, for expireds, withdrawns, and cancelled listing leads. Includes daily status updates.

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Delivered Daily. Access every For-Sale-By-Owner listing from your area.  Includes two counties and access to a 6-month database. 

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Neighborhood Search

Unlimited Searches. Powerful search tool for building marketing and prospecting lists. Perfect for geo-farming and circle prospecting.


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Delivered Daily. Simply choose a county and search from among thousands of records, including Notice of Default and Lis Pendens.

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From the moment we started working together I noticed Landvoice was unlike any other real estate services company I worked with in the past, they were super professional and very attentive to all of my needs. I hands down recommend Landvoice as the top industry provider for seller cell phone numbers! These guys are amazing to work with!


Agent, Michigan

Here is an update on how things have been going so far this year (April). Since January, I have taken 22 listings - mostly Expireds with the exception of a couple FSBOs - totaling $4.5 million in listing inventory! I can't even tell you where I'd be getting this business If I didn't have your data. 

Jennifer L
Agent, California

I have already listed over $2 million in properties in less than 2 months using Landvoice Call Capture with Expireds. Thank you!

Jim S.
KW Associate, Connecticut

Within the very first week we got over ten interested sellers eager to meet with us. In fact, the interest in meeting with us was so high that we needed to develop a system to assign our realtors to send to all those appointments. I guess we were not prepared for the high success generated through Landvoice. We are super excited and ready for our future with Landvoice and see our business grow! Thank you!

Janet L. 
Broker, California

I see success with FSBOs by supporting them in their effort to sell their house by themselves. Every time you can contribute to someone's success it will show how humble you are and that right there will make you successful! As a team, we utilize the Landvoice scripts and placed 3 signs in the first 10 days and got in the door of over 10 other FSBO's to build relationships within the first month! Show value people!

Lynday J.
Agent & Broker, Virginia

I want to express my excitement about Old Expireds! In 10 days I've already had 10 new listing appointments! I have listed 5 of those so far! It's amazing and I just bought 4 more zip codes to continue my success! Thanks, Landvoice!

Agent, Kansas

Tools & Support

Want to manage your leads within our system? Perfect. What to use your own CRM or dialer? You can do that too. Need the best scripts? They're just a click away. 

Our tool makes it easy to tag, filter, and manage the leads you want to work with or export them to your preferred system. If you need help, we have a professional team ready to help you succeed.  Call 888.678.0905 or use the CHAT feature below.
